Author Topic: USB Disconnecting  (Read 8784 times)

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Offline Mattaeus

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USB Disconnecting
« on: September 25, 2019, 09:46:01 pm »
So, first of all, Iv tried A LOT of different fixes. Non have worked.

The problem is, that my Keyboard (wired), mouse (wired) and headset (USB) will all disconnect at the same time for a second, then reconnect and I have no clue why. My rig was working fine, up till about 2 and a half months ago. Then started doing this. It seems to be completely random.

Updated all drivers
Updated Bios
Uninstalled and reinstalled USB several times
Wiped drive (mostly because bios failed and I had to) and reinstalled Windows
Turned off Power saving
Waved a dead chicken over it...
MB is a MSI Gaming pro carbon, and Im running Win10.

Offline Boggin

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2019, 04:21:57 am »
It's possible that this could be caused by dissimilar metal corrosion from being plugged in a long time.

You may be able to get around this by cleaning the contacts.

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2019, 04:20:51 pm »
Gave that a try. All the contacts are good, and I cleaned the inside as well. I wanted it to work lol, it didnt. Starting to think its the motherboard itself :/

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2019, 12:52:20 am »
Has Event Viewer or Reliability history recorded anything for when those disconnects occur ?

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2019, 02:01:46 am »
I believe this is it. But man, I have no clue how to read it.
Iv gone through and the time stamps seem to match up. Lucky it happened just before I came to the site, so it wasnt that hard to find lol

- System

  - Provider

   [ Name]  Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing
   [ Guid]  {b675ec37-bdb6-4648-bc92-f3fdc74d3ca2}
   EventID 3
   Version 1
   Level 2
   Task 2
   Opcode 14
   Keywords 0x8000000000000010
  - TimeCreated

   [ SystemTime]  2019-09-26T20:52:38.432530900Z
   EventRecordID 42
  - Execution

   [ ProcessID]  4
   [ ThreadID]  10864
   Channel Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing/Admin
   Computer DESKTOP-E6HS2IB
  - Security

   [ UserID]  S-1-5-18

- EventData

  SessionName Circular Kernel Context Logger
  FileName C:\Windows\system32\WDI\LogFiles\ShutdownCKCL.etl
  ErrorCode 3221225864
  LoggingMode 41943168
  FailureReason 0

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2019, 04:48:18 am »
In Googling that error I came across this article in which you could try Dude's suggestion to see if it resolves but I don't know if it's the cause of your disconnects.

Offline Mattaeus

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2019, 09:22:59 pm »
So, the event I posted was wrong. Im not sure what it is now. I switched my virtual mem to my secondary drive since Im running SSD as my primary and it seemed to fix the event I posted earlier?  Think iv been staring at my computer to long. Anyways... Since I messed with that, Iv only had my keyboard/mouse/headset turn off once, instead of 10 times.. but thats not saying much I guess. Although, when it did turn on and off, nothing appeared on the Event Viewer .

Maybe it will come to me in my sleep.

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2019, 02:04:37 am »
Have you done a memory test on each stick, although if there were memory problems, they would probably manifest as a black screen.

Could you leave the headphones disconnected to see if that makes any difference ?

Offline Mattaeus

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2019, 02:37:45 pm »
I did run a memory scan. I was hoping it was that after I moved my virtual mem from my SDD to my HDD (since it seemed to reduce the amount it happens). Scan was clean though.
I have tried running it without my headset. And switched out Keyboards to something more basic. Nothing changed. Fishing around the microsoft site didnt seem to help either. Still thinking it was one of there updates that did it... just not sure what one.
Thanks for the help though

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Re: USB Disconnecting
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2019, 02:52:04 pm »
There's nothing else I can think of that you haven't already done.

Did you check reliability history - sometimes that will record something that the Event Viewer doesn't.