I recently discovered you, your sites, and these great programs/utilities -- there is still hope in the world, I see

I downloaded and ran the free version of - Windows Repair, watching it the whole it approached the stage where it addresses and fixes directory links I balked some, I have never liked or really understood what Microsoft did with those and like even less that those links are not visible. The program said it was going to fix 5 links - 3 of which were the Music, Pictures, and Videos links...I almost unchecked those but didn't. Now I find that in my C:\users\jmbruni\Documents folder there are 3 new folders, My Documents, My Pictures, and My Videos and I don't have access to any of them. Luckily of the 3 Windows folders (with special icons) I use only the Pictures folder at C:\users\jmbruni\Pictures and it seems intact and accessible.
I know it's fear-based and probably quite illogical but I am still not a fan of these links and I'd like to go back and uncheck those 3 selections. (Something about having CONTROL, lol...if it's invisible I don't like it.) So my question: Is there an Undo or Revert or Rollback option somewhere or a way for me to go back and uncheck those 3? I imagine there is in the reg backups or maybe running the program again -- I don't know and don't want to blow Windows up yet again so here I am exercising calm restraint and asking first lol.
Thanks for your work and thanks for being someone I know I respect (your weekend philosophy and belief about Honor and Respect did the deed!)
Mike Bruni
[email protected]