Author Topic: using PRO version of Tweaking  (Read 8205 times)

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Offline jeveuxtachatte

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using PRO version of Tweaking
« on: December 30, 2018, 08:41:40 pm »
I used the free version of Windows Tweaking a few times in an effort to remove remote hijacker from my computer, it seemed to work btter than most other utilities I've used but the malware issue I have is intractable. I bought the PRO version in help that iy would be even more effective but I haven't been able to use PRO version once since I purchased it. When I entered the registration code the upgrade seemed to start but was stopped by remote hijacker and I kept getting error msg, that code was incorect.

I am hoping you can hink of a solution since #1; I paid for it & was looking forward to using it but never have been able to, #2 I saw that PRO version resets permissions which I didn't realize was not a function of the free version as I had thought, Just so you know how sophisicated the hijacker is. I tried using the usually very effective SubinACL MSFT tool and it went through installation process but instead of getting a clickable field that saif "finish" The malware showed the clickable field of "finish" to a field named "remove". Again i purchased PRO version months ago but never was able to use it, not once. I don't know if its available on disk or usb-though often any threat system (hacked) detects as download, or instalation media it is usually capable of blocking. The only media to ever work consistently in Hiren's boot cd but that doesn't  really solve any problems since the MBR and BIOS are still infected. I'd at least like to try to use the program I purchased. One reason why I believe it never would run is that it took the entry of too many codes. Going to the home page and entering two long numbers befdore program begins to download give host ample time to ensure it is never installed- rthat is what happened. I've tried many times to use codes I was sent after purchasing PRO version but never got it as far as activation much less running it. Please try to help me in this situation as I have- or had- a great deal of respect for your programs-aside from the pro. Perhaps you have a cloud residing version that would allow me to run w/o anything pon corrupt hard disk.

Thanks for any hjelp, William Smith, User name, jeveuxtuchatte; email = [email protected]. Thank you

Offline Boggin

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Re: using PRO version of Tweaking
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2018, 01:58:49 am »
Windows Repair can only repair damage caused malware after the malware has been removed - it cannot remove malware.

There are robust antimalware programs you can use but I would advise you to register on the forum and open a thread in the malware removal section where you will receive expert help in cleaning up your machine.

Once it is clean, you should be able to use your machine normally.