While you have given 2 ways to prevent this problem, they both require the latest version of Tweaking to be downloaded and installed.
I can't do that as I cannot access Windows now! 
Please advise how I can get into windows to do the download.
Can you give more info on how you got to where you are in not being able to boot to Windows ?
Do you have access to another machine to create Win 10 install media ?
If you have, you can create that after reading the instructions at
https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10You'll probably need to change the boot order by tapping F12 as you switch on but if using an USB then its' best to insert that before you do that and use the cursor keys to select the media you are using then press enter after inserting a DVD if applicable.
If using a DVD then you will be prompted to press any key to boot from CD/DVD and then you will be presented with an inverse window with Windows Setup [EMS Enabled] highlighted - just press enter.
Change/confirm the Time and currency by using the dropdown then click on Troubleshoot - this will give you a number of options.
One is to use System Restore which will use your restore points, another is Startup Repair which is advocated to try up to three times and the other option is to use the Command Prompt.
At the prompt enter bcdedit |find "osdevice"
For clarity that is a Pipe symbol before find and is the uppercase of \
Using the partition letter that gives you can either perform a chkdsk /r or an offboot sfc /scannow.
chkdsk e: /r where e is your partition letter.
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=E:\ /offwindir=E:\Windows
Note the space before each /
You need to perform the bcdedit cmd as it doesn't always see the volume as being in C: - it sees it in e on one of my machines.
Enter exit to close the cmd window and reboot to see if that will get you back to a normal boot up but we really need to know why you came to not being able to boot into Windows.
Do you have an external HDD plugged in or anything that wouldn't be normally plugged in as that can cause boot problems.
As for the Tweaking repair program, that may not be doing what Shane had intended, so I'd leave that for now.
Shane hasn't been very well for the last few weeks so he has been unable to do any more work on the program to confirm or correct any problem with it.