I actually noticed this while I was trying to write a script which creates an internet explorer window, I kept getting the error:
> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IECreate, (Browser Object Creation Failed)
So, I went to check out internet explorer and noticed that the application is missing entirely from the start menu. In fact, the only way to find it is by searching with Cortana. I think that Internet explorer was updated in the creators edition (see pic), and applying the Windows AIO repair for IE to the Creators update version has dis-associated it from the operating system. For example, I tried resetting the internet settings from Internet options in control panel. Now normally, if there are any IE processes running, trying to reset internet settings will generate a popup box telling you to close IE first. Even though I had Internet Explorer open (after I found it with cortana), I was still able to perform the internet reset. When I launch it, it appears to function correctly, but I am very troubled that I am unable to script with it anymore. Any thoughts?