Author Topic: v3.9.27 Repair Windows preview no longer working  (Read 9115 times)

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Offline John Terdik

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After running v3.9.27 Repair I've noticed that the big windows preview no longer works when I mouse over the a thumbnail after mousing over an icon in the taskbar. Let me see if I can better describe this. Before running all the steps I could mouse over an icon in the taskbar, a thumbnail of each window for that icon would popup (this still happens), I could then mouse over any of the thumbnail images and then the full window would be displayed until I moved the mouse. This last action no longer works for me.
Example. Let's say I have five word documents open, in the taskbar I see the word icon, I mouse over the icon and I see five thumbnails, I could then mouse over any of the thumbnails and the full size window would be displayed until I moved the mouse. If I wanted to activate the window I would click on the thumbnail.

I really liked the temp normal window view and would like to get it back.  :cheesy:
I'm running the latest version of Win10 x64 1703 build 15063.138
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 01:30:29 pm by jgt1942 »