You will have to Google for how to fix that DCOM 10016 error as they can pop up snagging different components and each have their own fix.
I had it on my laptops after upgrading to Win 10 and it didn't seem to be causing any problems that I was aware of.
If you click on Details for that error then copy & paste the CLSID and APPID details into a Google search, usually some links will be found.
I'm interested in what it gives for that DHCPv6 Client error though.
That could be slowing the computer in connecting to the Internet.
TCP/IPv6 can be unchecked in each of the adapter's Properties as generally, ISPs don't support TCP/IPv6 yet and could be already disabled in the router.
To do it in the computer, go Start - type ncpa.cpl and press enter then right click on each of the adapters and select Properties.
You can then uncheck the box for (TCP/IPv6) - OK
This article will help you get rid of any old drivers in Device Manager by right clicking on those with greyed out icons next to them and selecting Uninstall.