wow........Have a mentioned how much I HATE MS ?
They have to be the biggest bunchof idiots I have ever dealt with .
If it was not for their shear size, they would be out of business! I have no clue how they continue to even put out new product...they must have the team of core programmers locked up in a dungeon somewhere because NOT ONE , not even tier 3 tech support guys know what they are doing . Its insane
Short story........I had an issue with a MsDtc error in my CBS logs about a year ago. So i called MS to see if they could help me troubleshoot it........
Tier one and two only know one thing......." you must reinstall windows" I would just laugh at them and say .....DO you know who Satya Nadella is? NOT one of them and I have asked over 50 MS techs who that is........and none of them know! After arguing with them for 30 min that reinstalling windows is not going to fix the issue,,,, they offer me TIER THREE Tech support..
I then was put on hold for another 30 min and they come back to me saying that I have to pay $150 for tier 3 tech support........ I again laughed at that and had a little fun with it and then I put it on my Credit card, knowing I would get it back regardless...... They then could not connect me to the TIER THREE TECH support, but could only set a call back within 24 hours...
The next day a " TIER THREE TECH SUPPORT " guy calls me and he starts asking me what the issues are and I told him about the errors in my CBS logs and that SFC /Scannow and Dism Restore health were not working...........he remotes into my computer and starts looking around........ I show him the CBS logs .....They he says to me....." sir you need to reinstall windows" LOL i said ......"why do you think i need to reinstall windows? " Now brace your self for this one........and remember this is a MICROSOFT TIER 3 TECH guy that I just paid $150 for support....he is supposed to know a lot right? lol.......sorry i crack up every time I tell this story .. The Tech guy says to me, "Sir you have a Intel processor and there are entries in windows CBS logs about a AMD64 driver, you should not have AMD errors or drivers entries, this is why your windows system is not working. "
At that very moment almost fell out of my chair .......laughing at this guy.......I then proceeded to give him a quick background of why AMD is in windows and the history of AMD / windows and Intel. At first, he point blank said to me " sir I am sorry but your wrong, I know what I am talking about. I tried my best to not blurt out " YOUR A FUNKING MORON" and calmly said to him " listen put me on hold and go ask any of your tier 3 buddies what I am telling you......and then we can talk." Well he came back after 15 min and started talking about something totally different......i said to him " wait a min, did you ask someone about the AMD "?.....he says......"Yes were correct. " I then said.........
" Do you know who Satya Nadella is? He said " no ".......I said CLICK! I will never call MS again in my lifetime and was the point in time, I lost total and all respect for MS.
I don't know what is going on over in India, but MS is not the same company as I used to know........I REALLY hope someone developers a new OS that destroys MS! They have become pitiful.