Hello all! When doing my regular maintenance on my system to keep things running smooth, I usual will end things with a scan using Windows Repair (All in One). Several months back, I ran a little more thoroughly scan than I normally would and it came back with some results I was unfamiliar with.
I've attached the scan log bellow, but essentially the "Reparse Points Found: 64...Scan Complete - Problems Found!" is what caught my eye. Now I would normally just allow the program to correct any errors it found, but I have absolutely no idea what the effect on my OS will be if I do this. I'm very particular on how I have things set up and don't want any of my system configuration being altered or reset in anyway (as I don't want to have to start finding out what things were possibly undone in Windows somewhere from the way I have it currently).
Can someone give me a bit more guidance on what the outcome of fixing these Reparse Points would be, positive or negative? It would be much appreciated!