Author Topic: = Just like winning the lottery  (Read 7557 times)

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Offline johngleeson

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« on: August 29, 2012, 04:56:41 am »
Posted by me on facebook yesterday - "Well after 4 days of yelling down the phone to Microsoft, Dell and Mcafee, I finally discovered and ran your program - you probably can imagine the joy and relief I felt when the firewall suddenly turned back on and everything else just started working normally (and faster). THANKYOU!!!"

My faith is absolutely shattered in microsofts ability to service their products after I utilised almost all the Mr fixits and crap they provide online to resolve issues - FAILED!

McAfee caused the issue initailly when they downloaded an update which caused internet connection failures - well of course we all fimd ways around that but what they failed to advise is that the protection thay allegedly provide had been turned off allowing trojans, viruses, whatever to infect my PC. I used AdAware and fixed the nasty stuff but couldn't fix the damn computer untill I used the TWEAKING.COM software - bloody legends!! Thankyou SO MUCH for spending so much time creating a solid and effective tool.................One only hopes that Microsoft have the sense to make you an offer for the software??  Kind regards - John Gleeson - Australia