Right now I'm seeing nothing about bad sectors. "CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5), xx percent completed." If a bad sector result was supposed to appear in the previous sections' results I,m clear so far, otherwise the other details don't appear until completion, correct?
I'm saying there were "bad" sectors but it could have been something else, I can't remember the terminology but something not ordinary.
As far as users, I've opened a second cmd window and am being denied access to D: because the scan is running. X: shows Administrator, Guest and the new account I created. However, when logging in to the Recovery environment (remember, the only place I can see the logon), Administrator, Guest, HomeGroup and my regular (preexisting) account all show up in the dropdown. There are others (User, Default, and some system-created .NET related ones) that don,t show up anywhere except in the "Users" folder.