One more thing. we are having a fair average speed up to a certain limit and then set to normal speed. UP to one gb, you get 2mbbs speed and then 512 kb speed. Then you are alerted to get extra speed by accepting their alert, the cost of which will come in the next bill.
My point of query is because, in the first week of browsing, when i experienced the normal speed , where as it should be the higher to the eligibility of connection.
i checked the speed it was around 1.30 to 1.6 at that time. But when downloaded the program, malware bytes, it was only around 52 to 60 kb per seconds, which equals normal speed.
So, i have the doubt of broadband width with wired and wireless connection.
Boggins, is it that this broadband width will be spread across the use of device , if some device access this brandwidth. if suppose, i use pc, wired with , laptop and android mobile with wireless thro the same modem, would the speed i mentioned above would be apportioned automatically between these devices.
Is it also the fact, if you are downloading the two applications at the same time, the speed of brandwidth will get apportioned.
Samson, you are not hijacking the thread, you are adding points that everybody should know. Boggins, i have to go through your post about router link to try for any change , thanks