Author Topic: Your repair program some suggestions  (Read 7539 times)

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Your repair program some suggestions
« on: January 21, 2016, 08:15:49 pm »
Hi, I ran your latest repair programs and it fixes so many things.
          My presumption is when a repair is selected , the program goes to the particular components and access and see whether all are ok , and if not repairing with existing default entries to correct any missing and then give successful completion of the repair.
             Particularly on permission and registry , this program takes time to complete. It seems it is scanning all the registry entries one by one and correcting each to the default window system entries.
            I welcome the change of showing the command prompts while repairing. I think, it auto overwrites all the entries in registry as well as in other components in question totally, instead of touching the problematic entries only thus taking extra time to finish.
             Shane, my suggestion is to scan the entries and touch only the problematic entries. This will save time. If this is not feasible just ignore it.

               Then a kind of showing the real problem in selected items may be shown during the repair,in the repair window may be attempted.
            My suggestion is to improve the program, it takes cpu resource nearly totally while fixing these registry changes. It is also a well known fact that it does not touches the other entries if made by third party programs.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 08:23:40 pm by jraju »
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".