Oh no, Samson, I'm very happy that you responded. I need all the help I can get. I too often feel I'm inventing the wheel here.

very helpful indeed. Just needed you guys to say what works well in this jungle of ad/tracker blockers. (I didn't mention it but I use Firefox as well.) And thanks for that edit, Samson, so I don't have to rack my brain figuring out the settings.
I'll install uBlock Origin. I guess that AVG extension can go and maybe even has to go, for it may interfere. Right?
And I laughed out loud reading your signature, Samson! Hahaha. Can a person be any more scary than Trump??
A laugh a day keeps the doctor away.Oops, new question arose. In Firefox - Options - Privacy: the first two options about tracking, do I have to check them or leave them unchecked since I now have this trackerblocker installed?
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