I have used your free Tweaking program in the past and each time it has resolved my problem. I was having a problem installing a very expensive complicated program and it would not install no matter what I did.
I called tech support for the software company and spent many hours over many days trying to resolve the problem. I was moved up to the third rung of the ladder to have different people try to help. Two of the people were from other countries and "logged into" my computer to attempt to resolve the problem. They were not able to solve the problem, but at the end suggested that I re-install Windows 7 and all my programs and that would "probably" resolve the issue. I did NOT like that idea because I have a "lot" of programs on my computer and finding all the login names and passwords, etc would be a daunting task.
So after thinking about this, I decided to try "Tweaking Windows Repair". I also decided to buy the Pro version because your program had done so well in the past and I figured it would probably figure this out also. I also wanted to say "Thank You" in a tangible way.
I started and went through all 5 steps prior to Repairs, and then did the repair.
After this, I was able to install the programs without any problems at all!
I was "very pleased!"

And I wanted to just say "Thank You!" for such a wonderful program.
Have a Merry Christmas!