Author Topic: .net framework 4.5.2 fails to install - possible virus - urgent help needed  (Read 22050 times)

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Offline AaronRemedyTech

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Hello gents,
I'm in a real bind here this morning.  I've been helping a friend with this issue since yesterday morning at 9am and am back at it again now because she needs to be able to run payroll from this PC tonight by 6pm eastern.
She called me with a weird IE 11 browser hijack issue where it said something like "microsoft has attempted to remove malware and changed your homepage" I found something browser related in malware bytes and hitman pro and removed it but the damage was done.  She has a windows update that continues to fail trying to install the .net framework 4.5.2 which quickbooks needs to run!  I've removed all traces of .net, ran every microsoft hotfix i could find related to the issue, every registry fix i could find etc but still cannot install ANY version of .net. here's the error log from the .net failed install.
What can I get you next? Running windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit

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 span.r{display:inline}  // This function is used to present the install summary
information. function showResult(sClassName, fDisplayResult) {
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classes except result. if (true == fDisplayResult) { // Uncheck all checkboxes.
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"div.sectionHdr", "display:inline"); } } // This function is the entry for
hiding/displaying a class of entries. function showClass(sClassName ,
fDisplayClass) { // Need to bring back the sectionHdr because it may potentially
be hidden by ShowResult() addRule(document.styleSheets[0], "div.sectionHdr",
"display:inline"); var type="span"; var display="inline";
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fDisplayClass ? display : "none" ) ); updateSections(); } function
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document.getElementById("messages").childNodes; var totalNodes =
nodeList.length; for (var i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) { if(nodeList.className
== "section") { updateSection(nodeList); } } } // Display entries based on
the status of checkbox function updateSection(node) { var fFoundVis = false; var
nodeList = node.children; var totalNodes = nodeList.length; for (var i = 0; i <
totalNodes; i++) { if(nodeList.className == "section") { var fVis =
updateSection(nodeList); if (fVis) { fFoundVis = true; } } else { var
checkName = nodeList.className + "CB"; if (document.getElementById(checkName)
&& document.getElementById(checkName).checked) { fFoundVis = true; } } } = (fFoundVis ? "block" : "none"); return
fFoundVis; } function expandAll(fExpand, xLast) { if (fExpand == 0) { // If none
of the check boxes are checked, meaning we are in summary mode, don't collapse
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 document.getElementById("vbeCB").checked ||
 document.getElementById("msgCB").checked ||
 document.getElementById("tCB").checked ; if (bChecked == false) { return; } }
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totalNodes = nodeList.length; for (var i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
 if(nodeList.className == "section") { expand(nodeList, fExpand); if
(xLast && nodeList.parentElement.className == "messages") { last =
nodeList; } } } if(last) { expand(last, !fExpand); } } function
toggleSection() { var node =
event.srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.nextSibling; // Handle node being
null when we are trying to expand the time span. if (node == null) { node =
event.srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.nextSibling; }
 expand(node, == "none"); } function expand(el, fExpand) { = (fExpand ? "block" : "none");
 el.previousSibling.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].style.display = (fExpand ?
"none" : "inline"); } // Abstract the addRule/InsertRule functionality for
cross-browser support. function addRule(sheet, sSelector , sRule) {
 if(sheet.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(sSelector + "{" + sRule + "}",
sheet.cssRules.length); } else if(sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(sSelector,
sRule); } }   

Installation Log

      Message Types:   Errors    Verbose    Messages   
      Message Details:   Date Time         

© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.

 [12/1/2015, 23:26:40] OS Version Information: ...

 [12/1/2015, 23:26:40]OS Version = 6.1.7601, SP = 1.0, Platform 2, Service Pack
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:41]OS Description = Windows 7 - x86 Home Premium Edition
Service Pack 1

[12/1/2015, 23:26:41] OS Version Information
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:41] Installer version details: ...

 [12/1/2015, 23:26:41]MSI = 5.0.7601.18896
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45]Windows version =
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45]Windows servicing = 6.1.7601.18766

[12/1/2015, 23:26:45] Installer version details
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45] Environment details: ...

 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45]CommandLine = C:\e609d7e70e0137dcdc8f213ddcad55\\Setup.exe
/x86 /x64 /redist
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45]TimeZone = Eastern Standard Time
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45]Initial LCID = 1033

[12/1/2015, 23:26:45] Environment details
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45]Loading localized engine data for language 1033 from
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45] Entering Function: LocalizedData::CreateLocalizedData...

 [12/1/2015, 23:26:45] exiting function/method

[12/1/2015, 23:26:45] succeeded
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46] Entering Function: EngineData::CreateEngineData...

 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Current SetupVersion = 1.0
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]SetupVersion specified in ParameterInfo.xml is '1.0'
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:46]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_LDR.mzz
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:47]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_LDR.mzz
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_LDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_GDR.mzz
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:48]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_GDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_GDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_GDR_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_GDR.mzz
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_GDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_GDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "MSI", local path netfx_Full_GDR_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:49]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_core_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_extended_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_core_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_extended_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_x86.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "File", local path netfx_Full_x64.msi
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path
 [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]For upgradecode {A7B31EFD-0E46-39F6-9D02-9B2B00D42285},
  • related products were found.
  • [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]RelatedProducts item Setup.exe has 0 related products.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "RelatedProducts", local path (not
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "Exe", local path SetupUtility.exe
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Adding Item type "ServiceControl", local path (not
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]No ProcessBlock element
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]No ServiceBlock element
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Disabled CommandLineSwitch added: createlayout
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] exiting function/method

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] succeeded
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] MaintenanceMode determination: evaluating

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]evaluating EnterMaintenanceModeIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]MsiGetProductInfo with product code
    {3911CF56-9EF2-39BA-846A-C27BD3CD0685} found no matches

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]MsiGetProductInfo with product code
    {FC35E08A-BF4A-3256-BCBA-0953740FFAA2} found no matches

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]MsiGetProductInfo with product code
    {26784146-6E05-3FF9-9335-786C7C0FB5BE} found no matches

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]MsiGetProductInfo with product code
    {30FF5906-91BB-35BF-9AB8-9EE0B007FD75} found no matches

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\OS Integration\v4 does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Release does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] MaintenanceMode determination evaluates to 'not in
    maintenance mode'
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Operation Type: ...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Operation: Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Operation Type
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Package details: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Setup...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Package Name = Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Setup
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]Package Version = 4.5.51209

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] Package details
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] User Experience Data Collection Policy: ...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:50]User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:50] User Experience Data Collection Policy
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Entering Function: UiDataT::CreateUiDataT...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]Loading file -
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]Add to schema collection schema file -
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]Successfuly found file
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]Successfuly found file
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] exiting function/method

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] succeeded
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Global Block Checks: Checking for global blockers...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] BlockIf: .NET Framework 4.5.2 or a later update is
    already installed on this computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51].NET Framework 4.5.2 or a later update is already
    installed on this computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] LessThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] LessThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework
    4.5\Baseliner\BaselinerInstalled does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\LDR does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] LessThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] LessThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework
    4.5\Baseliner\BaselinerInstalled does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\LDR does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\OS Integration\v4 does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51] LessThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:51]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Release does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: .NET Framework 4.5.2 or a later update is
    already installed on this computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52].NET Framework 4.5.2 or a later update is already
    installed on this computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]MsiGetProductInfo with product code
    {FC35E08A-BF4A-3256-BCBA-0953740FFAA2} found no matches

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]MsiGetProductInfo with product code
    {30FF5906-91BB-35BF-9AB8-9EE0B007FD75} found no matches

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: The setup cannot run in compatibility mode....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]The setup cannot run in compatibility mode.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Not In OS Compatability Mode

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: You cannot run the .NET Framework setup program
    in safe mode. Please restart your computer and let Windows start normally, and
    then run setup again....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]You cannot run the .NET Framework setup program in safe
    mode. Please restart your computer and let Windows start normally, and then run
    setup again.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]OS Not In Safe Mode

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: .NET Framework 4.5.2 cannot be uninstalled using
    this package. To uninstall .NET Framework 4.5.2 from your computer, go to
    Control Panel, choose Programs and Features, choose View installed updates,
    select Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2901982) and then choose Uninstall....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52].NET Framework 4.5.2 cannot be uninstalled using this
    package. To uninstall .NET Framework 4.5.2 from your computer, go to Control
    Panel, choose Programs and Features, choose View installed updates, select
    Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2901982) and then choose Uninstall.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Release does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: .NET Framework 4.5.2 cannot be uninstalled using
    this package. To uninstall .NET Framework 4.5.2 from your computer, go to
    Control Panel, choose Programs and Features, choose View installed updates,
    select Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2934520) and then choose Uninstall....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52].NET Framework 4.5.2 cannot be uninstalled using this
    package. To uninstall .NET Framework 4.5.2 from your computer, go to Control
    Panel, choose Programs and Features, choose View installed updates, select
    Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2934520) and then choose Uninstall.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]RegKeyValue: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET
    Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Release does NOT exist.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: You do not have sufficient privileges to
    complete this operation for all users of this computer. Log on as an
    administrator and rerun Setup....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this
    operation for all users of this computer. Log on as an administrator and rerun
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]IsAdministrator: IS a member of the Administrators group

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: Setup cannot run, because the Windows Installer
    Service is not available on this computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Setup cannot run, because the Windows Installer Service is
    not available on this computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Binary 'C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe' exists.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Service 'MSIServer' is available.

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: Setup cannot continue because a previous
    installation requires your computer to be restarted. Please restart your
    computer and rerun Setup....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Setup cannot continue because a previous installation
    requires your computer to be restarted. Please restart your computer and rerun
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]RebootPending: No reboot pending

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: You cannot use this setup program to install the
    .NET Framework....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]You cannot use this setup program to install the .NET
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: This setup program requires x64 or x86 computer.
    It cannot be installed on IA64 computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]This setup program requires x64 or x86 computer. It cannot
    be installed on IA64 computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: This setup program requires an x86 computer. It
    cannot be installed on x64 or IA64 computers....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]This setup program requires an x86 computer. It cannot be
    installed on x64 or IA64 computers.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] BlockIf: The .NET Framework 4.5.2 is not supported on
    this operating system....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]The .NET Framework 4.5.2 is not supported on this
    operating system.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] GreaterThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:52]TargetOSType is Client

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\system32\oclist.exe

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Path: C:\Windows\system32\scregedit.wsf does NOT exist.

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]FileVersion for C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll is
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: Your computer is currently running a Server Core
    installation of the Windows Server 2008 operating system. The .NET Framework
    4.5.2 requires a later release of the operating system. Please install Windows
    Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher and rerun .NET Framework 4.5.2 setup....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Your computer is currently running a Server Core
    installation of the Windows Server 2008 operating system. The .NET Framework
    4.5.2 requires a later release of the operating system. Please install Windows
    Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher and rerun .NET Framework 4.5.2 setup.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
    NT\CurrentVersion\InstallationType contains 'Client'

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: You must install the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 OS

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]You must install the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 OS component.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] LessThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] LessThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
    NT\CurrentVersion\InstallationType contains 'Client'

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework
    Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727\Install contains '1'
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework
    Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727\SP contains '2'
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]FileVersion for
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorlib.dll is 2.0.50727.5485

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: Cannot uninstall the .NET Framework 4.5.2. Other
    applications on your computer are dependent on this program....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Cannot uninstall the .NET Framework 4.5.2. Other
    applications on your computer are dependent on this program.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Core\SBSDisabled\Uninstall does NOT
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Full\SBSDisabled\Uninstall does NOT
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: Cannot install the .NET Framework 4.5.2. Other
    applications on your computer are not compatible with this program....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Cannot install the .NET Framework 4.5.2. Other
    applications on your computer are not compatible with this program.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Full\SBSDisabled\Install does NOT
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Core\SBSDisabled\Install does NOT
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: Uninstalling Microsoft .NET Framework may cause
    some applications to cease to function....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Uninstalling Microsoft .NET Framework may cause some
    applications to cease to function.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Current Operation value is Installing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Core\SBSDisabled\Uninstall does NOT
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]RegKeyValue:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0\Full\SBSDisabled\Uninstall does NOT
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]returning BoolWhenNonExistent's value: false

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: Setup may not run properly, because the Windows
    Update Service is not available on this computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Update
    Service is not available on this computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Binary 'C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe' exists.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Service 'wuauserv' is available.

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] BlockIf: Setup may not run properly, because the Windows
    Modules Installer Service is not available on this computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Modules
    Installer Service is not available on this computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:53]Binary 'C:\Windows\servicing\TrustedInstaller.exe' exists.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]Service 'TrustedInstaller' is available.

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] BlockIf: Setup may not run properly, because Background
    Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is not available on this computer....

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]Setup may not run properly, because Background Intelligent
    Transfer Service (BITS) is not available on this computer.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating BlockIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]Binary 'C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe' exists.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]Service 'BITS' is available.

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] BlockIf evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Global Block Checks no blocking conditions found
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]The handle to the section is Null
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]The handle to the section is Null
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]Successfuly found file
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Applicability for Installing: evaluating each item...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state: of

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating IsPresent:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]returning false
    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state of
    C:\e609d7e70e0137dcdc8f213ddcad55\SetupUtility.exe - available but not verified
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating IsPresent:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]returning false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]FileVersion for
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe is 2.0.50727.5483

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating IsPresent:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]returning false
    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 -
    payload not required for this item to perform action.
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]FileVersion for
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe is 2.0.50727.5483

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Exists evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state of clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_64 - not
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:54]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]No FileVersion found for

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Determining state of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32 - not
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Determining state: of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]No FileVersion found for

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Determining state of clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64 - not
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Determining state: of

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOSType is Client

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]No FileVersion found for C:\Windows\system32\oclist.exe

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]Path: C:\Windows\system32\scregedit.wsf does NOT exist.

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]RegKeyValue: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
    NT\CurrentVersion\InstallationType contains 'Client'

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Or evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]FileVersion for C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll is
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]FileVersion for C:\Windows\System32\netfxperf.dll is
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Determining state of
    C:\e609d7e70e0137dcdc8f213ddcad55\Windows6.0-KB956250-v6001-x86.msu - not
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Determining state: of

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]evaluating ApplicableIf:
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetArchitecture is x86

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Equals evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists: evaluating...

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Exists evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And evaluated to false
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Not: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] Or: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] And: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]all numeric characters - canonicalizing

    [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] LessThanOrEqualTo evaluated to true
     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55] GreaterThan: evaluating...

     [12/1/2015, 23:26:55]TargetOS is 6.1.1
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 07:49:47 am by AaronRemedyTech »

Offline Boggin

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Which AV program is installed and have you tried with it disabled ?

I don't normally advise turning an AV off but as Windows Update doesn't work in Safe Mode with Networking, that would be the only way to eliminate it.

Also try the install in a clean boot by going Start - type msconfig and press enter.

Under the Startup tab click on Disable all and under the Services tab, check the box to Hide all MS services and then Disable all.

It's imperative that you check the Hide box first before the Disable all.

Apply - OK - Restart

If the install works then something nasty or corrupt will be among either the Startup or non-MS services which you can check later.

To ensure nothing remains of the hijack, run -

Avast Browser Cleanup Tool


With this program, click on Scan and that may list some programs in the lower pane it considers PuPs which you can uncheck any to keep.

When it has completed the scan, click on Report and that will open in Notepad listing anything it finds and will delete when you close that and click on Cleaning.

That will produce another report after the reboot to show what it has deleted.

I don't think this will be affected, but after a hijack it's best to reset the Hosts file which this MS Fixit for Win 7 will auto do.

I'm not sure if you have run the .NET Framework Repair Tool while trying for the 4.5.2 install, but here it is -

If the scans have come up clean and it still won't install then I suggest you run Windows Repair in Safe Mode with Networking

Offline AaronRemedyTech

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Hey Boggin thanks for the reply.
They were using security essentials but I removed it completely.
Ran both the tools you suggested and AdwCleaner found something called ShieldSoft or PCREG which is consistent with what I had removed using malware bytes yesterday.  AdwCleaner removed it and rebooted.  I've attached the log from the removal.

I tried a clean boot before running these scans and the install of .net 4.5.2 still failed.  I'm going to reboot one more time after running the hotfix to reset my hosts file and see if the install works.  But I think this virus has caused significant damage and I would be surprised if the install works after this reboot.

*UPDATE* install still failed after reboot even while running the .net cleanup tool.  the end of the log reads as follows

"Exe (C:\55d962ce15b6e6b30cbb17cd2eb2\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
 Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
Action complete
Action: Performing Action on MSI at C:\55d962ce15b6e6b30cbb17cd2eb2\netfx_Full_GDR_x86.msi
  Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. ]
  Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. ]
 MSI (C:\55d962ce15b6e6b30cbb17cd2eb2\netfx_Full_GDR_x86.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Setup_20151202_144940063-MSI_netfx_Full_GDR_x86.msi.txt
 PerformOperation returned 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)

Action complete
 OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Stop.
Action complete
 Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:54)."

When you say try  "Windows Repair in Safe Mode with Networking" are you referring to running the software repair or an actual windows repair from my windows install DVD?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 11:55:50 am by AaronRemedyTech »

Offline Boggin

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AdwCleaner is specifically designed to get rid of these types of infections.

I had meant the program, but if it hits a glitch it can take a while to run.

Can you boot up into the Advanced Boot options - Repair your Computer - navigate to the Recovery Environment and select Command Prompt then enter -

bcdedit |find "osdevice"

and using whichever partition letter, enter (assuming c)

dism.exe /image:c:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions


Then restart.

I don't know if you have already run this MSI Fixit but Googling that error code, found more than one reference to creating the DWORD SecureRepairPolicy had allowed the install to succeed as in Post #6 of

You could try this before running the program.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 03:30:58 pm by Boggin »

Offline AaronRemedyTech

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Hey boggin,
before I saw your last reply I downloaded an iso of my windows 7 home premium version and made a bootable usb drive.  wasn't able to boot to it even thought USB boot was turned on in bios.  So I just booted into windows and ran the windows 7 installer and chose "Upgrade" let it do it's thing and after finishing i was able to install .net framework 4.5.2 with no issues!
Thanks for all your help.  Glad you recommended the programs you did to remove the browser hijacker.  Wish I had done the "upgrade" install yesterday : /

Offline Boggin

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You did mention earlier that you had an install disk, but these tend not to include SP1 unless you had downloaded the ISO from MS Recovery which you can only do with a valid retail key - which is what I assumed you have done.

With a SP1 install disk you also have the option to boot up with it and do an offboot sfc /scannow but as sfc doesn't check all files, it would depend what the error was so the files could be repaired from the install disk.

Anyway, glad to hear you got it sorted.