10-27-2015 - Past Mentally Burned out, Will be back shortly.
For the last week I haven't been on the forums. It has been a harder than normal week for me.
My wife lost her mother 1 year ago today. Her mothers birthday was just a few days ago and it was the first birthday since her mothers death.
But of course we all know how life doesn't finish there, on her birthday my wife's grandmother died. Let me repeat that, her grandmother died on her mothers birthday, 1 year after her mothered died. So her father lost his wife and then a year later lost his mother, on his wifes birthday.
I have my wife and 5 kids, 4 of them are my girls, my little ladies. They have needed me more than ever.
I haven't had a day off in months. I am so busy that I have to stay up 48 to 72 hours at a time to try and catch up. During the day I have customers who call me and I take care of, since I run a computer repair business. Then I have to do the programming for the large number of programs on both my sites and then also try and answer forum posts on both sites and of course answer the crazy amount of emails I get everyday. This all while having the normal interruptions of life, things breaking, things to fix, things that are not in the schedule and of course being there any time the wife or kids needs me.
This is my week Monday through Friday. Then on Saturday 2 of my girls have volleyballs games and I dont miss any of their events. Saturday is spent time with the family day. Then Sunday is fix things around the house and do what is needed from me and get ready for the week. There is no day to rest. After all it is 3:30 am right now as I type this.
So you can image how burned out I am, burning the candle at both ends as they say. So since today is going to be a very hard day for my wife and girls I had to force myself to get to the forums and get an update for the windows repair done. I got to the forums and there was over 100 threads waiting for me. My head hit the table and I just wanted to go lay down.
Well thanks to my 2 moderators I have helping, they are the first I have ever had help me, over 90% of the threads where answered and didn't need me to reply. What a freaking awesome feeling! They took so much load off of me I don't think I could have done it without them. Huge thanks to Julian and Boggin for helping me. I dont pay them, they help because they like helping others like I do.
Also since I am near a breaking point they may have also saved my mind from going bonkers

I write this to let my users and followers know I have not left, I am not ignoring anyone and I will be back. I just really really really need a freaking day off. But I wont be getting it this week. So since I am running on burn out mode I will not be replying to the forums as fast as I normally do as I simply cant keep up right now, I am so tired every single day.
I have never been this busy before, since tweaking.com is getting more and more popular it is requiring more and more from me.
So this means I have to find a new way to balance everything and I have no clue what that will be, with my wife broken right now I have more on my shoulders than normal.
So now that I got all that off my chest, I need to go finish the forum posts that I need to answer.