Not wanting to be dramatic

but I really feel there are no words to thank you guys! I've received SO much help over time and I learned so much in the process. A special thanks to Shane for making the Repair All In One which solved my major pc problems that I tried to fix for a year!! And Boggin, I've thanked you many times already, but you really don't know how much I appreciate your help and, most of all, your patience.

Also, Shane, the ABSOLUTE COOLEST repair tool I have in my box is yours, or at least I learned it here: the Proper Power Reset! I find it so much fun to do and hear the electricity drain out of the system! TOO COOL!
It's uplifting and encouraging to see that there are still people out there willing to lend a hand to a total stranger without immediately asking something in return. Wonderful!
A million karma points for everybody who helped me.
AND a big kiss from me, <3