Author Topic: would anybody suggest brand wireless mike to be used with computer for recording  (Read 22947 times)

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Offline jraju

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Hi,   sub: wireless mike to be recorded with computer for audio performance
                        I tried chinese made local mikes which die immediately on connection with the pc. The model comes with both wired and wireless.While there is no problem with wire mike, there is problem with wireless mike. When i bought, the receiver's red light glows, but when inserted to the computer, it went off to useless stage. Probably something happened . I was provided a converter to the mike sockets, as mine is older ... model, one for mike , center for speakers . The converter is working with wired but not with wireless.
                             Could some one suggest brand models of wireless mike that may be available, like philips ,samsung, sony. I do not want to try the model i am having problem with.
                                     Googling first list and some US sites only.
                                                Could i repair the receiver easily.
                                                     I thought, though the red light is not burning on insertion of battery now, i could use the mike as the fuse of the llight would be gone. Pl answer
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Offline Samson

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Sorry J, I missed this one  :shy:

I'm pretty sure Logitech do them for Playstations ( don't know if they are compatible with PC), never used one, but other logitech products that I've used have been good, well supported and reasonably priced.

Beyond that, most of my audio gear is Sony.....not cheap, but good. Sony is higher end gear aimed at the pro/ semi pro performer so you'd be looking at a couple hundred quid for one, unless you try the secondary market.

Would a simple headset/ mike combo do you? Logitech and others do them at a reasonable price.....It really depends on what quality you want and what you've got to spend  :wink:

Offline jraju

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                    Sampson, What do you mean by headset mike combo. Is it headset with mike fitted in to it. Is it available to use with computer.
                                   I made enquiries in leading ahuja, but they said that no device is available. But in a musical store, they say that wireless mike with receiver priced at Rs2500 is available. When i enquired i was told that the make is Ahuja. what strange things. The manufacturer could not guide me properly.
                                      The sales person says that it will not fit in to older model computer and if you have a converter, a small connecting device to connect with socket type then it will work ok. No definite answer came from him.
                                           Is logitech sales include wireless mike. What is the advantage of headset wireless mike combo. Would it work with pc for recording.
                                               My son daily tries mimicry and he wants  wireless mike and would record and correct himself of the voice correction of artists.
                                                   Since you advise me on sound matters, and matters of sound, i am expecting reply from you on mike,sound,dvd sound , etc.etc.
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Offline Samson

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                    Sampson, What do you mean by headset mike combo. Is it headset with mike fitted in to it. Is it available to use with computer.                                 

Here you go, just an example of what I mean. (These come in at less than Rs5000) USB nano conector to PC (like a wireless keyboard or mouse). These are really for gaming/ Skype no idea what sort of quality you'd get for singing, (I guess it sort of depends on the singer  :wink:). As I said these are just an example NOT a could probably find similar cheaper and also a lot more expensive.

A dedicated (High quality) wireless microphone is going to be expensive, and needs high end equipment at the receiving end to take full advantage of it.

Obviously the cheapest option is to keep your son wired!  :wink:, Just put him on a long cable!

Offline jraju

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Hi, Samson
                      Interesting but the link only show the wireless headset, what about the receivers? How to connect to computer for recording.
                             If suppose, i buy this, and another brand receiver, there is compatibility problem . Mike by one make and the receiver by other make.
                                         He has to move freely, so wiring would not help in the case :sleep:
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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Hi, Samson
                      Interesting but the link only show the wireless headset, what about the receivers? How to connect to computer for recording.
                             If suppose, i buy this, and another brand receiver, there is compatibility problem . Mike by one make and the receiver by other make.
                                         He has to move freely, so wiring would not help in the case :sleep:

 USB nano conector to PC (like a wireless keyboard or mouse).

From the website....."Just plug the tiny nano receiver into a USB port-and forget about it."

It will look something like this....

« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 05:18:19 am by Samson »

Offline jraju

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                      I asked the leading radio ahuja. They directed me to buy some model. But the person at the helping end says that i have to buy a processor, a kind of sound processor before using the mike. He says that direct plugging of receiver to the mike jockey would burn the receiver instantly. So, that gives the explanation of my red light not burning.
                               Secondly, he says that i am lucky that my computer does not burst out. The other guy from whom i bought just say that insert a battery and insert in to the mike jockey, which  i did resulting in power passage. Now, it is a known fact that there must be some other thing is needed.
                                The other guy, from ahuja, says that i need a processor called behringer ufo 202, which will take care of everything other than wireless mike and audacity supports it.
                                          The price i do not know. Since it is a kind of converter, with no power passage directly to the computer, i have to buy this one to record. I will enquire and buy it along with mike if need arise, or i will use the same mike i have.
                                                  May be i buy ahujas awm202 wireless mike with behringer 202 for computer recording purpose.
                                                   The nano receiver would need a battery supply or just could be inserted.? I will try this also.
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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The nano receiver is powered by the USB port.

The setup that you have outlined above "ahujas awm202 wireless mike with "Behringer 202" would work, although there are many links in chain..Microphone to receiver, receiver to Audio adapter, Audio adapter to PC.

Expect to pay Rs2000 for the Behringer ufo202.

Don't expect professional sound quality recordings (I have no idea as to the quality of Ahujas), bear in mind that recording studios use equipment costing thousands, and use it in acoustically designed studios. If your son is dancing/ moving about while singing, the recordings may be "breathy".

But hey!, who am I am I to put a damper on your project for your son  :shy: Sounds to me like he's a lucky kid to have his Dad's support and encouragement, and good for you for doing it for him.

If you can get all the above gear at a decent/ bundle price then go for it, it should be better than the logitech headset method, although a little more set up and fine tuning may be required.

We will expect you to post the results (music tracks) of course.  :wink:

EDIT: If you did n't already have a microphone and receiver, you could get a Behringer wireless USB microphone for about Rs7000 and would n't need the ufo202 adapter.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 06:27:48 am by Samson »

Offline jraju

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                 This is nice recommendation :cheesy: But how a microphone and a separate usb receiver would be able to record.
                                You now have a mike and usb in inserted to the computer. How it is possible with any thing there out in the middle, like i say processor.
                                     I found only a usb and a wireless mike, how the link could be established. I even viewed the video but it ran for few seconds only.
                                         If you clear my doubts, then i will definitely go for this as i need not buy ufo 202.
                                                   For correction of voice, he need to record and then replay . He is practising almost 100 artisit voices daily and it is sincere effort, even though no chance or luck come in his way.
                                                          I had no facility when i was young and by encouraging him, i am happy. I was practising old songs and then i do not have these things.
                                                             I will surely appreciate all you say about sound. Thank you :artist:
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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That Behringer mike was an afterthought really.

To clarify, you already have a wireless microphone and receiver? If  so then using that with Behringer ufo202 should work.

The Behringer microphone is Wireless and the USB is the receiver.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 08:49:29 am by Samson »

Offline jraju

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My receiver is defective and it is burnt.
                                Even though the usb is the receiver, how then it connects to the wireless mike. Normally usb is just storage devices. Is this usb different, that it will auto connect with the computer while recording.
                              I could use the wireless mike of chinese model, which i got at 450 rs, of which receiver was burnt, since connected directly to the mike jockey as has been reported in my recent posts in this thread.
                                          My query is , by just buying this Behringer wireless USB microphone for about Rs7000 , would i be able to record without any middle device like ufo 202. I would love to buy this, if it is possible, because, i just have to insert the usb in any usb port and then start singing through wireless mike. Pl confirm.
                                          As i have limited knowledge of the same, i am asking.
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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The USB device is a receiver/ transmitter (Dongle), like for a wireless mouse or keyboard and it is powered by the USB port, the microphone will need batteries, like a mouse or keyboard.

USB is a connection, granted usually used for memory sticks, but it is a powered communication port. I have USB wireless mice, wireless keyboards and wireless network adapters, the USB receiver is doing the same job with a microphone, the USB receivers are specific to each device, so the microphone comes with its own dedicated USB receiver.

The Behringer microphone would not need the ufo202 preamp.

I am not surprised that a Rs450 microphone was rubbish!

You may be able to find a similar product to the Behringer cheaper. But avoid cheap rubbish.

Bear in mind that you will have to set up Audacity correctly in order to recognize and use it.

Before you buy, why not detail your plan over on the Audacity forum, run it by them, you never know someone may have already done exactly what you are attempting and may have some good advice. List your plan and proposed hardware, see what feedback you get. They are a friendly and helpful bunch Maybe try and contact Behringer too, and see what they say?

Offline jraju

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Hi, Thank you so much for your inputs on this.
                             I will try behringer microphone as first choice. Secondly i was enquiring all the shops and they say they do not have the devices i specified . Then i found this chinese model, with wired/wireless.
                                  Would this be true. By, inserting the converter with the receiver with battery on it , would have burnt the receiver?
                                        since no other device was prescribed to me other than this. My assumption, is
Mike jockey is already powered with computer always, and by inserting the battery fitted with receiver in on position, short circuited it to damage the receiver? Or is it the defective receiver itself? I will enclose the picture without the converter, a kind of connection with the receiver to my jockey.
                                                    I was given a blunt edge connection with the mike, I think, the transmitter.
                                                    Some says that it is the mistake to insert powered receiver to the jockey. Some other says, that all the wireless devices , such as key boards are having power in the device, works fine when inserted to the computer. Then why it burnt the receiver totally. Is it defective receiver altogether?
                                                    Is there any change need to be made in audacity if wireless mike is to be used for recording purpose? It is recording with wired mike. Should i make any changes in the jockey?
I tried to become a forum member in audacity, but somehow, could not log in and whenever i tried, it asked me to approach the admin of the site.
                                                          Even resetting of password could not enable me to log in to their site. Their support never support really. I am enclosing the pictures
of the receiver, the converter,computer jockeys at rear,and the transmitter.
                                                              I just connected the converter to the receiver and my receiver burnt.
                                In the last picture , the mike jokey is in red, the centre for speaker and blue , i do not use for anything. Is it for head set?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 08:37:20 pm by jraju »
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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J, I can only speculate, but my hunch is that a Rs450 wireless microphone and receiver made in China was never going work, at best it is a toy and at worst a dangerous fire risk!

OK, so Behringer manufacture in China (who does n't?) but they are a German company with a reputation to lose, and although not top end they are known in the industry.

You would need to change your chosen input in Windows to the Behringer wireless microphone, it would show up as a USB audio device or maybe even as Behringer microphone. You would then have to select microphone input in Audacity to record from it. You would have to tweak the the input and record levels to your satisfaction. The Behringer microphone has an output control on the microphone itself.

In the first screenshot I have highlighted the dropdown menu box, this is where you would select the USB device/ Behringer microphone.

In the second screenshot I have highlighted the dropdown menu box, this is where you would select the USB device/ Behringer microphone.

It is strange that you cannot get on the Audacity forum.

Behringer have a recording forum, you could ask any questions that you have there perhaps?

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Hi, I again thank you so much for giving valuable tips, which no one could ever get. I will try to buy the behringer microphone by going to the electronic hub and see how it goes.
                                    I do not know whether it is available in my place, chennai. There is a electronic hub where these things are abundant. I will visit and then inform you.
                                           Your tips on audacity with windows sound system also needs mention. Valuable tips. I will definitely give it a try.
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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J, before you buy anything. Post your plan on the Behringer forum that I linked to....Detail your hardware (ie model of the Behringer microphone, laptop specs etc) and software (ie Windows 7, Audacity etc) and how you intend to use it (ie Recording your son singing). Just to get confirmation from them that it is realistic and viable. Hey! You never know they may offer a cheaper solution or put you in touch with a cheaper supplier. Nothing to lose but a little time  :wink:

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Hi, Samson, the forum members have not given any solution.
                           The solution still evades me . Probably I have to consult sound engineer or Music Composer. Berhinger is not readily available and they say , i have to book it to get it after 10 to 15 days
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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Hi J, also try the Audacity forum again for help (some people have had issues with USB microphones being recognised by Audacity). See if there is anywhere that you can try before you buy, if you took your laptop with you, so you could test a few and compare the results before spending any money  :wink:
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 05:10:20 am by Samson »

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Hi, Samson,
                         I could not take my pc to any store as it is heavy luggage. I will try to read the threads in audacity forum.
                                   But before that, i need the required device. The ufo 202 if imported would cost the price of behringer mike cost of 7000/-.
                                                 It is strange that solution is still evading. Thanks for your input samson. I was asked to contact the admin of audacity which i do not know how
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

Offline Samson

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I could not take my pc to any store as it is heavy luggage.

From your photos I thought it was a laptop?

It is strange that solution is still evading. Thanks for your input samson. I was asked to contact the admin of audacity which i do not know how

Again, the simplest and cheapest solution would be wired....Maybe try creating a new account on the Audacity forum?