I have constructed a new water tank and using it. About 3 days back, i found the smell of water little punchant and looked at the well to see if anydead is in the well.
It turns out that all is well with the well. But , while removing the opening of water tank, I found a dead lizard we call it onan, onana, a kind of chameleon, a very small one in the water tank. I could not imagine how it got in to that. There was a small gap in the opening that made onan to meet its death.
The nausating smell was unbearable and I immediately removed it flushed the water completely from the tank and cleaned the same with bleaching powder.
I have closed the tank after that and hope that everything ends well.
But alas, the next morning the new water has punchant smell . Some body advised to keep the tank lid open for few more days.
Nearly 3 days passed but the smell continues making us unhealthy in mind and body. The smell, when you open the tab is unbelievable to write.It is as if , we would soon get swooned.
Is it that much deadlier lizard . We have been using the water any way.
We have tried to close the valve to get the water from the other alternative old tank, but the smell does not stop giving bad odour with nothing could be compared.
I would be looking for quick solution to this problem. I have used bleaching powder. Some body advised chlorine, but that not was not available freely.
The inhaling of this smell, made us tired and a sort of dullness through out for few days.
is there any solution , pl immediate.