Author Topic: System File Checker fix (Windows 7)  (Read 7357 times)

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System File Checker fix (Windows 7)
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:37:48 am »

What would be nice is the SFC fixer, since it seems to be quite common since last May (2015) that due to some Windows Updates the System File Checker finds some corrupted files and is unable to fix them.

I have tried in Safe Mode, by booting from the Repair Disk and Windows 7 DVD and running the tool in zillion ways but I cannot seem to fix those corrupted files. I have also tried this avaibale SFCFix.exe from Internet. No success.

I could use "re-installing" Windows 7 as System Upgrade, but since I have my User Profiles on drive D, then that solution is not possible. I have googled like crazy and tried dancing Hulabaloo around my PC but without success.

Since there is this SFC checker function available in this tool, there should be some kind of a sophisticated operation which could check the conflicting Win Updates etc. etc. and being able to solve this annoying issue in ALL KINDS of possible situations and Windows configurations. Maybe by submitting the log file or however.

I know it must be a major coding challenge to achieve but this is so damn difficult to be fixed manually that it would be absolutely great addition to this tool.

Thank You for this tool so far!