Hi, Going to xp is nice, but so much security vulnerabilities found and corrected in windows 7. Ofcourse, it has its own updation and so much service packs are released and still giving security patches. We have not actually acclaimatized to xp, msoft released win 7 and so on and on.
If even after so much years, if security patches are released on the OS system, then i think that OS win 7 would be a middle path to stay.
It has all the good fixes . I will even try not to go to win 8 , but definitely windows xp sp3 is the best OS used all over , whereever i see .
The xp was good but related drivers problem in booting is the cause to worry. It wont update drivers on its own. You have to find each drivers and there is a chance that you may find yourself not to get the correct drivers with patch for xp system.
I had numerous experience of Boot failure, application failures and whatnot in when i used xp. That is not found in win 7 experience.
There is a thing to be noted, if msoft issues more restrictions, then accessing the internet would be impossible . But, the virus producers are finding it easy to penetrate the XP os than win 7. win7 has so much features, and i think that by the time , that one finds every utility, it would be msoft 25 versions. I am airing my views...