Author Topic: Why scan by MSE takes more time? unlike other avs  (Read 11183 times)

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Offline jraju

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Why scan by MSE takes more time? unlike other avs
« on: July 07, 2015, 01:24:30 am »
                i have scanned a full scan by MSE and it took almost 5 hours to scan. Normally all other AVs are scanning takes barely 1 to 1.30 hr at the maximum. Why?
                           Does that mean that it searches for viruses and what nots in all the folders and its virus data base is more than other avs
                                  Or that it splits and look in to the files more deeply than other avs. Would anybody throw light on this 

                    Update: Quick scan is fast in MSE, but it does not catch anything so far. But , full scan catch something, but would not show the results until the scan get completed
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 01:38:39 am by jraju »
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".

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Re: Why scan by MSE takes more time? unlike other avs
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 09:32:23 pm »
Because MSE is a good, as is antivirus. but when MS said they where putting out a free AV all the antivirus companies about crapped themselves, so to keep them all happy, MS keeps their AV to a bare minimum so that the other AVs dont have a cow.

So the scans are slower, and you dont get hardly ANY options, but it works, most of the time. There is no such thing as a perfect AV, and I mean none. While one AV may do good now, they might not later, it is a constant cat and mouse game with the virus makers and the users in the middle are the ones who pay for it.


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Re: Why scan by MSE takes more time? unlike other avs
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 11:23:22 pm »
Because MSE is a good, as is antivirus. but when MS said they where putting out a free AV all the antivirus companies about crapped themselves, so to keep them all happy, MS keeps their AV to a bare minimum so that the other AVs dont have a cow.

So the scans are slower, and you dont get hardly ANY options, but it works, most of the time. There is no such thing as a perfect AV, and I mean none. While one AV may do good now, they might not later, it is a constant cat and mouse game with the virus makers and the users in the middle are the ones who pay for it.

True the way I look at is this When virus makers are creating a virus They make sure to test it with ALL MAJOR ANTIVIRUS! so when they can't detect it they deploy it. So essentially there is no perfect anti-virus especially on day zero virus attack's.

Offline jraju

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Re: Why scan by MSE takes more time? unlike other avs
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 08:03:48 pm »
Thanks. As you say this virus PUP called win32/coupon ruc was not found by jrt, adw cleaner, but only by msc.It is a software bundled virus,
                                   So, one has to run all the av, mlware,rootkits ,mse occasionally to save his system from hackers, makers of malware, makers of trojans and virus.
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".