Author Topic: you got my vote!! and a donation.  (Read 6053 times)

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Offline longpatch

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you got my vote!! and a donation.
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:40:44 pm »
Windows 7.  Chrome and IE would work fine in safe mode; not at all in normal mode.  I spent uncounted hours trying everything I could think of.  then I got on the web and tried everything everybody else could think of.  Over a period of several days, I tried at least 6 different scanners and fixers.  Every single one of them found 0 problems.

I came across a suggestion to use your product.  I took me about an hour and a half, but BAM!  I'm back in business.

thanks.  and I'm going to send you $20 bucks for making my day (I hope that is a respectable tip).  And I am considering buying the Pro version.
