Put the latest test build on my wifes, she uses it but not much. It was rather buggy so she didnt like it.
It doesnt feel like 7, it does feel different and you can feel the push for using the app store, and with so many options missing still such as not being able to control windows updates very well I wasnt happy with it, but this is a test build, final build will be different.
But the way they are pushing windows updates to home users I am not very happy with, but again I will wait and see till the final release.
MS wants 1 billion machines running windows 10 by 2020. This is all because they want people using the app store as it is a new source of money that apple and google enjoy. So MS is pushing it, hard.
This isnt about making users happy, MS has never cared about that, it is about getting the OS out and getting users to the app store. They tried to force it on 8 and it failed horribly, so now they are trying again with 10 and this time doing a few things users asked for to try and win them over. But you can tell they didnt want to, instead of giving back a normal start menu they changed it completely to make sure all the app store icons got in there and you cant change it back to classic like you could with every windows version from 7 and older.
So they put a start menu back like users wanted, but are making sure the app store rules on it. So this is why I am curious how this will go. Windows 7 and older it was about making an OS that they corp customers wanted, since thats where they made the most money. Now it isnt about them any more and it is about getting money from an app store, so the whole OS is changing to push for that. I am worried how this will go in the long run. Once people get use to it MS will change it up again and force more. So lets wait and see.