There are different ways to backup, I use a faster backup approach.
1. Always backup to a different drive, in this case I backup to my external drives. The reaosn why is you never backup to the same drive as when the drive dies the backup will go with it.
2. I only backup what I cant replace. Anything I can reinstall I dont backup. So if my system goes down I reinstall my software but I have all my documents, pictures and such, basically the things that cant be replaced, where a program can always be reinstalled.
Now I do it this way because I have a LOT of data and I find that trying to restore Windows from a backup is never easy.
BUT some users may not want that or the reinstall process might be VERY time consuming. Just like for some of my customers, most of them who have simple setups I just do the backup of important stuff only. But other customers who have a large amount of software and settings, a CPA's computer for instance, he has 10 different versi0ons of quickbooks and others installed for his business. His computer would be a nightmare to get everything reinstalled.
For him I have it do a total and complete backup. I had him buy Acronis backup and it does a good job at it, it also has an option of restoring the machine to new and different hardware, something you cant normally do.
But that cost money and to be honest there are SO MANY different backup programs out there that I dont know which is the best to use and which is just a crap program.
So while I can give you the proper pointers of backing up and all that, the one thing I cant say for sure is which backup program for you to use. The reason why is I simply havent used a lot of them let alone all of them. Also since I just do a nice easy file copy type backup only I dont know which programs out there will be easiest for you to use.
So that means you will have to test a few out, just make sure you are backing up to an external drive!