I am going to be working on a repair tool for the Reparse Points. It will be in both the free and pro versions of the program, after all all repairs always have been and always will be free

The Repair Reparse Points shouldnt be too hard to make, it will just be testing that will need to be done. So in a future update I will have that tool added. Shouldnt be too long though, with having the pre repairs scan now, a repair for the Reparse Points is a must.

Reparse Point: (Type: JUNCTION) (Name: Dati applicazioni) (Original Path: C:\ProgramData\Dati applicazioni) (Target Path: C:\ProgramData) (Creation Time: 25/10/2014 19:40:01)
Infinite Loop! Points back to a parent folder. I was able to access the original path folder contents, which means it creates an infinite loop.
The reset file permissions repair should fix this one though, it should, not sure with it not being the english folder, but C:\ProgramData\Dati applicazioni should have the everyone permissions set to denied. Since it doesnt the program was able to go into that folder, which then points back to C:\ProgramData, and thus you have a loop now.