I really like that! But I would also like to see the total number of backuped files. Like I post in the pictures.
OK I changed it to show the grand total at the top, in this case (10) like in the picture

It looks like the parentheses are slightly elevated, perhaps is the point?
This wasnt on purpose. For some odd reason the text normally follows the rest of the treeview. But when I have the font size set to Verdana 7 point bold (Which is what the treeview is at) it puts the number in parentheses a little higher. (think it is a simple position bug)
So I was about to check the code of the treeview dll to fix it when I realized I like it this way LOL. Having it raised a little help shows that it isn't part of the computer name for example.
The tab "Help & Support" looks great!
I am glad everyone likes it. I want to put out then first release of it out of beta this Sunday if I can find the time.
I have to make the videos and help files before I put it out. I want the launch to have a good start and having all the info people will need is the way to win people over.
I have to go to customer of mine who is 4 hours away to repair a couple of servers this weekend. And have you ever tried to make videos with you talking when you have 4 kids? (ages 10, 7, 5 and 3) LOL means I will be staying up late to make them since I need them all asleep.

I will start writing the help files and such very very soon. As I do I will post the links here so I can get feedback on any changes to make to them.
The goal of the help and videos will be to both teach new users and give all the info my fellow techs need.