Author Topic: Awesome software All in one by Shane to fix individual related problems  (Read 7799 times)

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Offline jraju

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                    Yesterday, there was some problem in windows explorer. It would not open or open after a long wait. I tried to Reregister the win explorer by command prompt. It never worked and i got an error message that the head of the dll could not be found. This is not actual message.
                           I tried new task in Task Manager after deleting the existing explore.exe in process tab. Then i got the error, that windows cannot find explore. exe, so there was no desktop at all. I pressed the off the power button, and on reboot the computer behaved normally, and i could see the explore.exe both in the process tab and on the file location also. But, somehow, the problem of slow........., or just hang or freezing were happening as usual.
                              Then a sudden thought to try Shanes tool for individual fixes. I could not find a specific windows explorer fix, but i selected windows dll fix. Within a few seconds, in a flash everything is set right. I checked a new task in task manager, by deleting the process in process tab and it worked perfectly. Thanks Shane, i took your software to problematic computers and do the fixes individually within no minutes. Shane, could you add the registry fixes , if such files as exes are swallowed by present rootkits and browser hijackers, which change those exes as not executable. It would be a boon.
The Bottom line is "Check your hardware first if it supports the task you try".