Ok, so before I dig myself a hole, let me clarify my situation. This is a Teamviever related issue, and I know it should be redirected to their support, but I've been back and forth with them for days, only to have them tell me to "uninstall my old version completely and attempt to reinstall the new one again", repeatedly. There are two issues with their "solution". The version they are telling me to uninstall wasn't the one I was using prior to the issues starting, and their instructions completely miss the issue at hand. The issue I'm having is not with a corrupt software installation, it's with a corrupt network adapter and it's associated driver. Every time I attempt to install/uninstall Teamviewer, it goes fine, until it gets to the installation/uninstallation of the VPN Network Adapter. Even if I try to uninstall it manually, same result. I get a BSOD with a error code 0x139 (KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE). For the record, I am running Windows 8.1 Pro x64. Any ideas on how to rectify this issue and get Teamviewer back up and running (without having to do what would be my 4th Windows reinstall in the last 3 months) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.