Author Topic: Positive Windows Repair (All in one) experience  (Read 7156 times)

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Offline jerfos25

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Positive Windows Repair (All in one) experience
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:33:29 pm »
I just wanted to share my experience on this site (As I have already posted a few good reviews on other sites in the hopes of helping others). I am not one to usually go out of my way to review anything, but this tool came through when my next step was re-installing windows. I also hope this will help others searching keywords of the issues this solved for me as it seemed to be a unique situation for myself.

I ran a malwarebytes quick scan thinking nothing of it, found a few files that were then quarantined. During the system restart something happened and the system shut down. The next time I booted the PC the immediately went into a disk check, but I didn't think anything of it once complete. The problem came when doing a programming assignment, my system gave me Unknown Socket Error 10061 when attempting to download from the android sdk manager as well as trying to update anti virus software. in eclipse I receives ddms failed to initialize monitor thread unable to establish loopback connection error. I lost the ability to interact with the Windows firewall, and when running ipconfig from the cmd every section said media disconnected.

It turns out after the initial malwarebytes scan and reboot issue some files were deleted and items removed from the registry that were necessary.

This tool solved all of the issues with my system, and prevented me from an even bigger headache. I can't say thank you enough, not just for this product, but for making it free.

I will now certainly become a regular visitor to this site.