Author Topic: Windows Tweaking NOT helping me much...  (Read 9793 times)

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Windows Tweaking NOT helping me much...
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:06:20 am »
 One time a Microsoft tech was on the phone with me & he used Windows tweaking tool to try to repair a System Restore inoperability but it NEVER worked..

I been using it ALOT lately to look for errors on my drives & it seems to find errors alot & after rebooting to FIX disk check, the Errors STILL remain. I use Seagate hard drives alot & when I run Sea Tools for DOS or even Easeus Partition Home Master, those programs DON'T find errors on my drives ?? Also, Windows Tweaker does NOT help when I lose an internet connection & can't restart the Windows Firewall ( that's also the one where you get the "TCP Failed to query the host" thinggy whereby you do a Winsock Reset, & cmd prompt of netsh winsock reset, etc. ).... The control panel will also show 2 Network connections Icons in XP Control Panel !!!!! )...

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Re: Windows Tweaking NOT helping me much...
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 01:28:52 pm »
My WR doesnt do the chkdsk, Windows does. My program simply calls chkdsk c: and then waits for the results. I had other users including myself see chkdsk report errors and then when running it at boot it doesnt find any. So I did some searching and looks like this is a known problem with chkdsk and windows and nothing can be done about it. chkdsk and autochk which is the one used at startup are 2 seperate programs.

When running chkdsk in read only mode it will report an error when it is checking a file that is currently being written to and will give a false error since the file looks bad to it. This is why if a person has a lot of programs running in the back ground this will happen alot and one of the many reasons why I ask users to do a clean boot first. Less things running, then the less things that can get in the way. :wink:

Also, Windows Tweaker does NOT help when I lose an internet connection & can't restart the Windows Firewall ( that's also the one where you get the "TCP Failed to query the host" thinggy whereby you do a Winsock Reset, & cmd prompt of netsh winsock reset, etc.

That depends why you are losing connection. The program runs scripted repairs I put into it but it doesnt fix everything. Thats why I am always updating it, the more things I find to add to have it fix the better it becomes. What happens when you try to restart the firewall? Part of the repairs is putting services back that get deleted from a virus, if you have service being deleting or missing after you run my WR then that means something is on your system still removing them.

So post a screen shot of any errors you get and any messages you get so we can find out what is happening when you have those problems, then if we find a fix and it can be automated I can add it to the program :-)

The control panel will also show 2 Network connections Icons in XP Control Panel !!!!! )...
Yes, know bug in Windows xp and my program already puts the fix in for it, just a simple registry key, not sure why the program didnt put the regkey back in for you, did you run all the repairs or only certain ones?

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load]

Thats the key that needs to be in on XP and then you wont have the 2 network icons. I will double check that it is in the program and didnt get removed.
