Ok this isnt a permissions problem. That unknown account is suppose to be there and that is why IE keeps putting it back. As I said in my last post I have the same permissions and all favorites work fine.
The files in the favorites folder are just .url files and they will open with ever your default browser is, so if it is firefox as your default they they would open in firefox.
Are you able to open IE and go to any page you like manually? If you can, what happens when you click on favorites within IE instead and try from there?
You can also close IE, then go to control panel and open up internet options, click on the advanced tab and click on the reset button. Once done reboot (Normally dont have to reboot but I want to cover all bases)
Then when it comes backup try it out again.
resetted IE and reeboted, no help
Just seen you had this, so you already did the reset? Also make sure to answer my other questions