I take it that you mean this post?
Hi there,
don't want to revive an old thread but you stated the error message so clearly and I had a similar problem on Windows 8 - number one hit on Google ... so I thought I'd share my findings because this is a nasty error.
I couldn't use "Edit ..." on the security tab where elevation (UAC) was necessary! For folders/files where I already had permissions, and there was no shield on the button, I could edit the perms. In all Edit-with-UAC-needed cases I got the invalid "value" message you stated.
There is a file rshx32.dll in your System32 (and SysWow64 for x64) directory. This file holds the security shell extension, that's just the Tab pages for viewing and changing all security settings. MS even has an old article to hide this by manipulating filesystem permissions:
So important part one - make sure that rshx32.dll exists and that the file permissions are appropriate. Check with another server or virtual machine, usually TrustedInstaller is owner in full and Admins/Users/Sys/All Apps have at least read execute.
The problem in my case was Registry-related. You'll find a .reg listing below with further info to get you started for diagnosis. I hope the CLSIDs (GUIDs) do not differ from OS to OS otherwise you'll have to search for "Security Shell Extension" in your Registries of working and non-working systems to find the right ones. But I'm optimistic since the file already existed in NT 4.0 ;-)
In my case mainly the InprocServer32 values of the "Security Shell Extensions" got screwed. First, their type was changed from REG_EXPAND_SZ to REG_SZ. Second, they weren't fully qualified any longer (rshx32.dll instead of %SystemRoot%\System32\rshx32.dll or the localized strings like rshx32.dll,-59 instead of @%systemroot%\system32\rshx32.DLL,-59).
I can't guarantee that the .reg works for all different OS and advise you to investigate and compare keys/values to your system before applying it. At least it should point you in the right direction. "rshx32.dll" and "Security Shell Extension" are the keywords to look out for. If you're after the DCOM permissions, I don't have them in the file and they are most probably OS specific. But the comments list the Registry location of the DCOM sec part.
Don't know if the localization and icon references hold from OS to OS so please check.
I can't be held responsible for any damage you do to your servers/computers, implement at your own risk ;-)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; A reference where it is used at well:
; Tab pages in the standard filesystem dialogs
; Software\Classes\*\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\<GUID>
; Software\Classes\Directory\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\<GUID>
; \Drive\
; \Volume\
; DCOM Security (Launch/Activation Permissions) are stored under:
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\AppID\{1f2e5c40-9550-11ce-99d2-00aa006e086c}
; Also named "Security Shell Extension" but seems related to AD security (Directory Services, DS):
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{4E40F770-369C-11d0-8922-00A024AB2DBB}
; dssec.dll
; + Wow6432
@="Security Shell Extension"
@="Security Shell Extension"
Regards and good luck, Markus
I will look into adding those into the windows repair.