Author Topic: Boot-up Stop Error  (Read 15842 times)

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Offline MarkH

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Boot-up Stop Error
« on: March 13, 2012, 02:51:27 pm »
My Dell Inspiron 530 running XP Pro SP3 was infected by Rootkit TDSS v3.  I was able to remove that and get the machine almost fully recovered using PC-Tools, Malwarebytes Anti-malware, and a Symantic rootkit repair tool.  The machine was functional and running fairly well for a week or so, but many of the system utilities and a few program files showed as "Empty" when using the Start Menu Program files.  I was able to repair most of the applications, but I could not access any system maintenace files like "Defrag".  I booted the system from the original installation CD and asked it to repair the existing windows installation.  When the system was rebooted after the repair, I was greeted with a BSOD message:

STOP: Ox0000007E (0xc0000005, oxB9BE81B3, 0xBA4C3528, 0xF789E224)

KSecDD.sys - Address B9BE81B3 base at B9BD3000
                           DateStamp 4802518c

I have been able to access the C: Drive by using Hiren's Boot CD Mini XP, perform further virus/corrupt file clean-up with utilites supplied on the CD, copy work files onto an external HD so I can use another computer, but not able to resolve the boot problem on my daily use computer.  The system will not boot in any version of Safe Mode, always returns BSOD with the above content.
Any ideas on potential solutions?

Thanks for any feedback!

Offline Shane

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Re: Boot-up Stop Error
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 04:56:19 pm »
KSecDD.sys is a driver file


You could use the Hiren's Boot CD Mini XP or a live ubuntu linux cd to boot off the cd, access the files and replace the file with a new one.

Also did some checking and a fresh install and not a repair install might be needed.


Offline MarkH

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Re: Boot-up Stop Error
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 05:18:57 pm »
Thanks Shane!
I'll try re-installing the KsecDD.sys file first using Hiren's Boot CD and let you know how that goes.  It also has a repair XP installation function, but I'm reluctant to try it.
The other option is a fresh install?  Ouch, there's a few things I'd like not to lose such as e-mail files that I can't quite figure out how to retrieve.  They are stuck inside Mozilla's Thunderbird e-mail client.
More feedback tomorrow.

Thanks again,

Offline Shane

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Re: Boot-up Stop Error
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 05:20:44 pm »
I use thunderbird. Just back up your whole user profile in windows.

When you put it back everything in firefox and thunderbird will be there waiting for you :-)


Offline MarkH

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Re: Boot-up Stop Error
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2012, 05:27:25 pm »
KSecDD.sys is a driver file


You could use the Hiren's Boot CD Mini XP or a live ubuntu linux cd to boot off the cd, access the files and replace the file with a new one.

Also did some checking and a fresh install and not a repair install might be needed.


Hi Shane,
I tried replacing KSecDD.sys in c:\Windows\System32\Drivers with a fresh version off the XP Pro Installation CD.  I renamed the existing one, installed the new one and tried a reboot in the Safe Mode w/ Networking.  Same result that is at the top of this thread, BSOD with a STOP code.
I may try that again just to confirm I did it right the first time, but it is looking like I'm headed for a fresh install.

As I mentioned before, the computer will not boot-up at all in any mode other than from a CD, so I'm wondering how I can access and back-up my user profile in the non-booting Windows XP on the HD.  Sorry for a bit of "Luddite-like" experience in this area.

Thanks for the advice,

Offline Shane

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Re: Boot-up Stop Error
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2012, 05:30:10 pm »
Download ubuntu

You can boot off the cd without installing it.

You will have a whole OS to work with.

Hook up a flash drive or external drive. Access your hard drive and copy your files. Once copied do a fresh install :wink:

From the sounds of it your current XP has a messed up reg. Your not going to fix it without a reinstall.
