Author Topic: Thank you Shane a Vexing Problem Solved  (Read 7029 times)

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Offline Racco

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Thank you Shane a Vexing Problem Solved
« on: April 20, 2014, 08:49:07 am »
The Problem(s): 1. a Windows "This files might be harmful to your computer" Security message showed up every time I tried to move a file from one my folders to a parent or other folder.  2. Windows updates would fail.
Solution: 1. I made the mistake of going to MS Technical help -  they kept trying to "patch" for the update issue (it kept happening); they tried to solve the "harmful" message by deleting all kinds of stuff in regedit which really messed up my OS.
2.  Started talking to Shane when I noticed the MS Tech help went to his site to pick up and use his tools.
3. For those interested you can read the whole sordid story at,1900.0.html
4. Please note the speed of Shane's responses in the post.  I wrote the original post on March 28 and Shane solved the problem by April 2nd; and, there was a weekend in the middle of that.

I want  repeat my exuberant note in  that post here:

" :smiley: :cheesy: :wink: :artist: :tongue:
There aren't enough Icons to thank Shane for solving the Problem I listed here.
Shane solved it!!

I had been to Microsoft Technical Help and all they did was destroyed the OS in my machine without solving the problem.
The problem has its roots in using Microsoft's "Windows Easy Transfer" to move data files from an old ONE Hard Drive desktop to a new 2 Storage device Desktop (an SSD + HDD).
On the new Machine, I installed the SSD first, loaded the new OS and programs I needed.  Afterwards, I installed the HDD and used Windows Easy Transfer to capture my data.
In addition to move what I needed, Windows Easy Transfer also moved some system files.
My new OS (C Drive) thought anything in the HDD (E drive) was a foreign machine.

The solution was to move the Data out of E, kill the system files and recreate E, then move the Data back.
I have Shane to thank for the detective work and cleanup.

If you don't want this problem, be careful on this type of transfer and avoid the issue I just described.