Author Topic: Thank You So Much!! Just one little problem!  (Read 7115 times)

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Offline oldesthippie

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Thank You So Much!! Just one little problem!
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:04:28 pm »
 :cheesy: I want to thank you for all of the great help I've gotten here!  I have nearly been going out of my mind for six month over a wireless internet speed problem, and then all of a sudden the other day, Windows 7 started going nuts!!  I have a very good Dell laptop, which means, unfortunately, that I have to deal with their service technicians.  Last night, without running any tests, scans, or anything, the man told me to back up my computer because Windows is corrupt and is going to have to be removed and re-installed!!  They  have done nothing to try to find out what is going on!!  I DID back up my computer to my external hard drive tonight, but decided to try to investigate on my own, and I ran across this website.  I may still have to re-install Windows, but I have been able to run so many programs, and find so many problems, and get many good ideas on other things I might try!!  So, I do want to thank you, and will definitely be making a donation, but I did want to mention that after running the most current version of Windows Repair, many of the Icon's titles on my Desktop have weird symbols in the place of the first two or three letters of their name!!  You may already be aware of this, but just in case, I wanted to mention it, although it will be no problem for me to fix.  Thank you again, and I have bookmarked your site, and will be back to continue trying to figure out what the heck is going on with my internet!!
Blessings, Oldesthippie