Author Topic: Congratualations on Repair Windows Firewall 2.0  (Read 7165 times)

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Congratualations on Repair Windows Firewall 2.0
« on: October 12, 2013, 03:29:09 pm »
I searched for hours on the internet to find a solution to the problem of getting the error "Network discovery and file sharing are turned off.", and not being able to turn these features back on. It turns out that this problem is caused by the Windows Firewall default rules being deleted either by a virus or (more likely) by supposedly legitimate applications that don't want the user to block the ability of their programs to communicate licensing information back to their companies.

In any case, no one, including numerous vaunted Microsoft system engineers, have been able to come up with a fix for this problem. But you (or whoever wrote this repair utility) did. It is a LIFE SAVER!!! Thank you so much for sharing your great expertise with the user community.