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Offline taylor1277

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Internet Connection
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:52:22 am »
Well my internet comes through cable from Comcast.Now here is the kicker.The city i live in owns the franchise from Comcast.They use the power of the city not to allow other ISP in the town except satellite which you need a two year agreement,which i do not agree with anyone on,or having a two year agreement.Then what they do is mon-fri when i am at home during the day and not at work.They throttle my internet connection for the businesses in the area,we live in a high economic strived area,and i pay the same per month.They say there is a way to change your peak hrs the ISP puts you on,any ideas how to boost my internet.Change anything that can get me closer to the download speeds i pay for.It irritates me they do this,now i want to irritate them.And if they don't like what i do,we can take legal means in court.But i don't think its fair to me.Thank you.I am not asking anyone for anything legal,Just how do i get into my modem (provided by the ISP and change a few configurations around to get the downloads i pay for.

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Re: Internet Connection
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 07:42:22 pm »
They throttle on their end, there is no way for you to get around it.

The reason they do it, is because they dont have enough bandwidth to give to everyone who is paying for it.

Think of it like a water hose trying to water the grass for 100 houses. SO if everyone trying to do it at once they cant handle it, so they throttle it down and slow it down so others can still use it. That is what is called peak hours, when people are on the most.

Then come night time when people are in bed and less people are using it they dont throttle because they can handle the full speed now.

Basically they have over sold what they can handle.

Nothing you can do about it either, and satellite internet is horrible.


Offline taylor1277

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Re: Internet Connection
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2013, 05:46:48 am »
thanks people like you who share their knowledge.i made a small donation to you.but when they throttle someone told me they put you on a list of peak they give access to businesses mon-fri 9am to 5pm and others get the other time.isn't there anyway to change that,once i had dial up back in the day,i found a program that hooked into dial up and they couldn't knock me off.i told them if i drop the program,they agree to keep me on what i call the front burner of being connected to the internet.I was also asked if i told anyone else about the program,no i didn't; they agreed to keep me on without tossing me off,and when i decided i didn't need to be connected i would click there any tools,that i can use to strengthen my connection,i found one called connection keeper i am going to keeps businesses that i would use when i am out,from dropping my wifi use,thanks.not trying to get over anyone but the cable company that tries does what you said.yes i know what throttling is.i had someone explain that to me,in the area.what a great job you do.thank you