see this link and kindly let me know, why this is needed. If suppose, i install a office set up program to a default directory by the installation cd, there are problems when accessing the same software by different users of the computer. But if we choose, the network installation point, this error could be avoided by installing the program in a specific folder, so that every computer user need not to again the installation of any addon or updates and the same program with updates by single user could be used by all in a workgroup computers, having limited numbers.
Is it true and what is called network, is that connect to msoft for any purpose, or is a folder created by us to install. Normally all the programs allow you to have a "browse button" to change the installation path, but programs llike msoffice does not allow you to choose.
Please kindly let me know is this possible. In the msi enabled log, i get shellui.mst is not digitally signed. and it shows so many things that i could not understand. can i do this by reinstalling the office for all users of a computer at the same time.
Now, if i add on addon to one user, it is not found in other users account. You have to again add the add on there. Please help computer expert shane, sir,
i want a detailed reply shane sir