Thank you, Shane!!! I installed uTorrent and downloaded the "file" (wonderful stuff!!!!!) and burned it to DVD-R. Now, I've gotta' get the courage to do the "Repair Install" from the DVD-R. I think I can, I think I can....
Rain in TX, the Super Bowl and computer maintenance. What a weekend!?!
Bubba Euler
Again, thank you.
Oh, I have three (3) Keys for Windows 7 x64:
1. System Registered: 00359-OEM-8992687-00006 Product ID
2. Sticker ID: H24PJxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3. Belarc: VQB3X-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I assume, at my own risk, that the System Registered ID is the one I should use, when or if required during the "Repair Install".