I know that you are making the new videos and all but I couldn't wait so I'll ask some questions that I have about creating add-ons.
There is the [if] statement, Is there [and]? I don't know right now where could it be used or needed but I'm thinking something like this:
[if] |||radio1||| = true [and] |||check1||| = 0 [then]
the code
[end if]
second question is can we use multiple [if] like this way
[if] |||check1||| = 1
[if] |||check2||| = 1 [then]
the code
[end if]
Or maybe this way:
[if] |||check1||| = 1 [then]
some of the code
[if] |||check2||| = 1 [then]
rest of the code
[end if]
[end if]
Third can we use something like this to compare drives to see what drive user selected? Again no idea where would I need it, just asking.
[if] |||drive1||| = "C:"[then]
[end if]
Last question is about dword values in some registry keys. I have a "MaximumTransferLength" which value can be set from dword:00065535 to dword:02097120
Is there any way to use a text box for it like this, so user could set it also manually:
The problem as I think are the zeros at the beginning if I tell the user to set value from 65535 to 2097120.
Or will it accept it just as this way:
I think this is all for now