Author Topic: Installing on the C drive is NOT supposed to happen....why is it?  (Read 8972 times)

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Offline jZildjianZj

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I tried to download a program from Autodesk on to my P drive and it won't let me install it.

This is what is going on hard drive wise in my computer. I have a 120Gb SSD for my C drive. I have a 3Tb drive installed also that is partitioned.

Lets say I have 10Gb left in my C drive. I download all stuff on to the other drive in a different partition (obviously).

Well, when the program asks where I want to install it to, I change the path from C:\blahblahblah to P:\blahblahblah.

Shouldn't this mean all of the info goes over to the P drive? it doesn't do that. Well, it does install it there, but it leaves a lot of stuff on the C drive which takes up memory.

How do I make it so that all of the files go to the P drive or any other drive besides the C drive.

Right now when I go to C;\Autodesk, right says I there is 11.8 Gb underneath the folder. WHY? I purposely bought a smaller SSD drive because I do not want any programs on the C drive...well, Windows and a few other small things. I have the 3Tb to put everything else on to.

I hope I didn't ramble to much here. Sorry if I did. =)

Can anyone tell me how to fix this so that everything goes where I want it to go?

Also, if I was to pick up the folders in the C drive to put them somewhere else, how do I redirect where the computer thinks those files are to the new spot?

Thank you everyone who responds!!!

Best regards,


Offline Shane

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Re: Installing on the C drive is NOT supposed to happen....why is it?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 11:42:28 am »
Nothing you can really do about it.

It all depends on the program and their setup for it.

A lot of problems will install files to the system 32 dir and such.

From the sounds of it auto desk installs files to the default location of the program files folder, and you have no control over that. The might be a way to change where Windows keeps the default program files folder and then you could move that to the P drive, but that might also break other programs.
