OK so you just needed the power service back ont he system I will get that added to the Windows repair
Yes but I took some time to figure that out, the "RPC" allusion can lure you into thinking it might come from somewhere else.
Also, it would be nice to add a repair for the Windows Search. For information I had a "error 1053" / -2147218173 error code, and even Microsoft Fix-It would do nothing. I solved it in a strange way : I went there HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search and I set SetupCompletedSuccessfully from 1 to 0. Unfortunately it generated a BSOD (btw hate that smiley on Windows 8 bsod, it's like Microsoft is laughing at you !) . I needed to boot into Safe Mode in order to revert the registry change, but the problem was gone. Windows...
By the way, sorry for posting at the wrong place, I really tried hard to find the good section though, I had in mind to "help you improve the program" (as is written inside the program), that's why i chose the "request" section