1. My base backup folder was "D:\Backups\Registry Backup". This is a separate HDD, with Windows running on C:. Of course, the computer name was added to that path.
Ok good, I ask because the Windows API is very picky about restoring the registry from another drive. So RB will copy the reg files to the windows temp folder first and have the API pull it from there.
2. RegBak restored its own backups, which had the same base directory, except that it doesn't (as I have it configured) add the computer name; it adds a date directory (e.g. "2015-09-18") and under that a time directory (e.g. "10;14 AM").
Should be ok since RB copies the files to the temp folder. One thing we will have to check is if anything is messing with RB when it is copying the files.
4. No. I only ever used VSS. Too paranoid to use fallback, ever.
All I use is fall back, a lot faster and never once had any trouble with it. In fact i find that things are better with it, mainly because the registry is a database. Just like any other database it gets overhead and slows down. Only way to clean that up is to write it out to a new file, just like any other database. The whole system will end up being faster because of it, if the registry overhead was causing a slow down.
Fallback option calls the Old School Windows API just like Erunt and the others to write the registry to new files. So you will notice they will always be smaller than the ones in the system32\config folder.
MS says they prefer to use VSS because of volatile registry keys. But that seems to be more server related as I havent ever found a workstation that had a program running that was using volatile registry keys. In fact I dont know of any programs that do lol
(Firefoxes spell check is a total joke, the words it misses is insane)
5. Good question. I wish I had been more specific in my first post. I had to look at my own description of the problem, which was simply: "My own user account did not have access to UsrClass.dat." I should have listed the ACLs. [SIGH] Right now my system is in what I call a "State of grace" and I'm loathe to mess with it. But this never lasts long (Microsoft sees to that). So next time I have to mess around, I will look at exactly what the issue is. Sorry I can't be more specific on this one.
I did just try something, though. I backed up my ID's UsrClass.dat using RB and RegBak, as closely as possible in time. I thought the files backed up would be identical, but they're not. I see two bytes at the very beginning of the file that differ. I retried and the same was true again. No more detail as I assume this is just because of the file being updated normally by Windows.
But another difference was that RB had no attributes for UsrClass.dat turned on, other than the "c"ompression bit. RegBak saved UsrClass.dat with "a"rchive, "h"idden, and "c"ompression. Now that I've typed that, I can't see why it would matter. 
The ACLs on both saved UsrClass.dat files are identical, though, including the owners (Administrators).
The program calls VSS to make a shadow copy, then it maps that copy to a drive letter and then calls the FileCopy api in windows and tells it to copy the files to the backup folder. I dont make any calls to read or set the permissions on the file or the flags set just as compressed or hidden or anything. It lets the Windows API handle it.
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363852%28v=vs.85%29.aspxOn that page you will see that it has a Flags options, the only flag my program calls is "COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE"
Also relooking at the page I found this about the file security. But again this is for the security of the file itself and not the permissions of the actual registry keys
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP: Security resource attributes (ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_INFORMATION) for the existing file are not copied to the new file until Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
So that means that when the file is copied it gets the permissions set by the parent folder.
In fact I find it odd that the file was marked as compressed, it shouldn't be, unless you compressed your whole drive. I wonder if that is the unknown variable I have been looking for.
I never compress my drives, slows everything down. If your drive isnt compressed then why is he registry file marked that way?